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Harper Lee dies at 89.


(Apr. 28, 1926 - Feb. 19, 2016)

Harper Lee (1926-2016)

Harper Lee, author of the classic novel To Kill A Mockingbird, died early Friday 02/19/2016. When an author passes away and leaves behind their work it is that much more sobering to realize that we must go on without their genius literary input. Harper Lee and her words were part of my childhood, my life and my will be part of my future. This article pays respect to Lee has one of my inspirations.


A Literary Genius

I did not know Harper Lee personally, however, having read the Pulitzer Prize Winning novel To Kill A Mockingbird as a child I felt that I could relate to the southern girl seeing things through the eyes of the adults around her. I was ecstatic when I learned in February 2015 Lee had published her second novel, a sequel. Go Set A Watchman inspired me so much and helped me see a perspective that otherwise I would be ignorant to. Lee was so very good at doing just that; offering a perspective so gently that it could not be denied.

When I was a child, I wanted to write. I loved and still love to write and this is one of the reasons why I created Tea End Blog. Harper Lee was and is one of my inspirations for literary accuracy, emotion and conveyance. Lee illustrates the details of her stories with such ease and simplicity, but yet, her only work for 50 years (To Kill A Mockingbird) still remains an undeniable classic.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."

-Harper Lee


My Inspiration

All my life I have been inspired by Harper Lee in little ways that she may never know. It is such a grand thing to be able to positively affect a life that you do not know even exists. This is what great authors do, in fact.

Many of my blog posts were inspired by Harper Lee. I wrote the short story entitled "A Rabbit's Raspberry Rendezvous" on 03 January 2016 after having heard the voice-over that Reese Witherspoon performed for Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee, published in February 2015.

A Rabbit's Raspberry Dinner Rendezvous by Gabie (Tea End Blog)

A Rabbit's Raspberry Rendezvous is a short story inspired by Harper Lee's Go Set A Watchman and Miss Potter, the movie.

It's a tale of a southern lass taking a trip to the pond but on her way she ends up with dinner guests and a spread fit for any bunny.


A Wonderful Surprise

Harper Lee's surprise publishing of Go Set A Watchman in February 2015 had all fans, bookworms and literature bluffs anxious to turn the first page. We could not believe that after over 50 years Lee was publishing another novel and it was a sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird! Scout would be an adult, how would she think and view matters in Maycomb? I was so excited to get my hands on this novel after reading the début in The Wall Street Journal that I quickly pre-ordered my copy and posted "Scout Is Grown. According to Harper Lee".

The Wall Street Journal & my copy of Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee

Once I received my novel, I quickly began reading it! I was again enthralled with Lee's simple and descriptive writing style. Scout was my age and I was relating to her in a new way. After reading the last page of the book, another perspective was given to me and I was very much appreciative. I performed a Book Review to express my gratitude and love for this perfect complement to its classic counterpart.

Book Review: Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee

My Condolences

I am so sorry that Harper Lee has passed. Condolences goes out to her family and friends. Her literary pieces stay in our hearts as we are still faced with discrimination, racial prejudices and misunderstandings. May the writings of Lee continue to help us all realize that seeing things from someone else's perspective sometimes is all we need to see things right.


How has Harper Lee inspired you?

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